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Online counseling through Arkansas Families First includes psychiatric appointments and online counseling for individuals, families and groups. We are pleased to have launched Telehealth services to our clients and others in our communities during the COVID-19 crisis. On this page you’ll find all the information you need to get started with telehealth and resources to improve your online treatment experience.

Evaluation, Counseling, Psychiatry, Arkansas Families First


Educational, Developmental, Psychiatric


Evidence-based evaluation and testing to identify your child’s needs.


Behavioral therapy for children and teens that empowers parents!

Treatments that Work!

Evidence-based treatments with a positive and supportive tone.


Expert evaluation and care

Medication Management

Psychiatric evaluation and management with patients’ development and whole health in mind.

Schedule Your Appointment Today!


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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. Telehealth, or online counseling is the same price as in-person counseling and is covered most, but not all insurances. Our staff will check your insurance benefits and let you know if it’s covered and how much you owe for co-pay and/or deductible. You are free to call your insurance company to inquire, if preferred.

It works like FaceTime or Skype. Your clinician will email you a link. You’ll click the link, which may download Zoom, or another secure video software, then it will launch your counseling session. It’s that simple! You can use telehealth on any device from a secure, private location of your choosing, with as many participants as needed. Calling by phone is typically the back up option if we have technical issues.

Be prepared to pay your co-pay at the beginning of your session.

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New to counseling? The bullets below may help!

Yes. Thousands of studies demonstrate the effectiveness of counseling to reduce symptoms and improve overall wellbeing. It's more than just "talking." Child psychologists and counselors are trained in parenting, child development, assessment, diagnoses, behavior management, and evidence-based treatments for a number of specific problems, like anxiety, depression, OCD, and others.

No. Medication is not a required form of treatment at Arkansas Families First. Both medication and counseling are treatment options that are helpful to many families, but neither are required. Feel free to seek the services you think are best for your child. Your new clinician can fill you in other options at the time of your first appointment.

Expanding access and reducing barriers to mental and behavioral health care for youth in Arkansas

Telehealth Family Therapy

Other Online Resources

About Us

Arkansas Families First is a multidisciplinary behavioral health care group that offers a variety of health services for children, teens and families in Central Arkansas. Our group of independently practicing providers strive to provide the best, most comprehensive care that modern psychology, psychiatry, counseling, and other disciplines have to offer.


Arkansas Families First is devoted to unlocking the full potential of children and families. We utilize the latest research and the most skilled providers in the service of improving people’s lives. We strive to empower parents and to integrate multiple disciplines in the building of strong families and healthy children.

Our Promise

We take a strengths-based approach utilizing the latest evidence-based treatments and include parents in all aspects of treatment and assessment. We'll find the service and the provider that best fits your family. With our growing list of clinicians, if you are not satisfied with your provider or services will help you make the necessary changes.