Enjoy our growing library of book recommendations, videos, and info-graphics chosen specifically for parents.

Checkout our library of great books, helpful videos and eye-poping infographics! Each resource was created by our clinicians, to help empower parents and caregivers in raising healthy, happy children! Each can be used to enhance treatment or to increase your parenting knowledge and skills. We believe unlocking the full potential of children means empowering parents. Enjoy the free selections as we continue adding more throughout the year.

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Great Resources To Empower Families

AFF resources are great for those waiting to get in for their first appointment, those in treatment who want something extra, and for those who just want to work independently to improve their lives.

About Us

Arkansas Families First is a multidisciplinary behavioral health care group that offers a variety of health services for children, teens and families in Central Arkansas. Our group of independently practicing providers strive to provide the best, most comprehensive care that modern psychology, psychiatry, counseling, and other disciplines have to offer.


Arkansas Families First is devoted to unlocking the full potential of children and families. We utilize the latest research and the most skilled providers in the service of improving people’s lives. We strive to empower parents and to integrate multiple disciplines in the building of strong families and healthy children.

Our Promise

We take a strengths-based approach utilizing the latest evidence-based treatments and include parents in all aspects of treatment and assessment. We’ll find the service and the provider that best fits your family. With our growing list of clinicians, if you are not satisfied with your provider or services will help you make the necessary changes.