Back to School During Covid


Usually, at this time of year, we might begin thinking and preparing for our children to return to school. That is the same this year, although so much else is different. This article briefly considers some common concerns regarding returning to school during a global pandemic and provides resources for further exploration. First, we’ll consider [...]

Back to School During Covid2020-08-03T08:28:53-06:00

Do you know how food impacts your mood?


A lot of people try to eat healthy, but what many might not realize is that food affects our mood. Lots of nutritious foods, like fruits and veggies, have vitamins and minerals that give a total boost to your mood. Different foods have specific minerals or hormones, and some of them make you feel relaxed, [...]

Do you know how food impacts your mood?2020-06-01T12:19:38-06:00

National Safety Month – Guest Contributor Gerald New


National Safety Month Guest Contributor: Gerald New  Husband, Father, & Textbook Seller © Johnkasawa | - Bicycle Mountain Bike Safety Helmet Photo June is National Safety Month and when the good people at the Arkansas Families First asked me to write a column on the subject, I jumped at the chance to [...]

National Safety Month – Guest Contributor Gerald New2017-05-18T13:00:08-06:00