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Preparing Your Preschooler for Success:  Tips for Tantrums


If you are a parent of a toddler or preschooler, then it is very likely that you have experienced the behaviors commonly referred to as “tantrums” or “meltdowns.”  When your sweetie falls down, kicking, screaming, hitting, crying, etc. as a result of a seemingly minor conflict or even no recognizable conflict at all, is this normal? [...]

Preparing Your Preschooler for Success:  Tips for Tantrums2020-08-05T11:07:00-06:00

Prevent Injuries By Practicing Safety First


To help raise safety awareness, this article will discuss safety topics and concerns as they apply to children and adolescents. Awareness efforts often focus on ways to reduce unintentional injury. These efforts are important for children as well. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), unintentional injury is the leading [...]

Prevent Injuries By Practicing Safety First2019-11-19T09:42:50-06:00

Social Media, Internet and Youth: Tips for Parents


Social Media, Internet and Youth:  Tips for Parents As mental health professionals, we’ve come to view social media use as a modern developmental task in which all youth should become proficient.  Most teens can be taught to use social media responsibly just like most learn to drive responsibly.  As with driving, it takes education, supervised [...]

Social Media, Internet and Youth: Tips for Parents2017-05-18T13:00:08-06:00

The Power of Words


  A Photo   The Power of Words   As parents, we sometimes forget how powerful our words to our children really can be. We often find ourselves in “expert” parent mode, and forget to really listen. Sometimes we use way too many words. Several years ago, while playing a dinner question [...]

The Power of Words2017-05-18T13:00:09-06:00

Kids and Gender Stereotypes


The term 'stereotypes' is generally perceived in a negative light, and for good reason. If found in the wrong hands, they can not only be hurtful, but downright demeaning. Of course, like everything in this world, there is the other side of the story and stereotypical comments and behavior are no different. I find myself [...]

Kids and Gender Stereotypes2017-05-18T13:00:10-06:00